Dear Abbington Rehab & Nursing Center Residents, Families, Friends, and Physicians;
I hope this letter finds you Healthy & Safe!
Abbington Rehab & Nursing Center has a separate area dedicated to COVID-19 recovery to best accommodate all residents in the facility that require care during this time. We currently have two staff member with covid 19. We are doing are due diligent during this unprecedent time with covid 19. We will move residents as required, temporarily, into a designated recovery area and once medically cleared they will be able to return to one of the other units. In transparency, the Abbington has had 46 residents who tested positive for COVID-19 since March 2020. We have had 41 staff members who tested positive for COVID-19 since March 2020. Our policy is that all staff will remain off duty until they have satisfied the return to work requirements from the CDC/IDPH. Please know that all residents that test positive or are suspected of having the virus will be safely quarantined from all other residents. Everyone at Abbington Rehab & Nursing Center is being vigilant with PPE usage such as wearing masks at all times in the facility. We continuously encourage safe social distancing, proper hand hygiene, and we continue to follow all DuPage County, IDPH, and CDC guidelines. Indoor visits are allowed, both visitor and resident/patient should wear source control. Our vaccination rates are high at this time.
Per CDC recommendations, we are performing regular testing of our unvaccinated staff and residents.
We know how hard it was, especially during the pandemic to not be able to visit and see your loved ones. Beginning March 17, 2021, we were able to open our doors again for visitation. All visitations will follow CDC and IDPH guidelines for infection control. Please contact me at (630) 894-5058 if you have any questions.
As always, we thank you for your continued support and pray that everyone stays safe and well.